The term “hack and slash” was used initially to describe gameplay usually employed by tabletop role-playing games before the term was used in other genres like multi-user dungeons (MUDs) and massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPGs).From hacking and slashing melee-based weapons against your enemies to causing a range of damages, these games are also hailed for the inevitable boss fight. To put it simply, hack and slash games are adventure-and-action-filled video games a genre that’s been around for a while now. But to give a general overview of what this genre often entails, one only has to look at the characteristics of the gameplay in each game that falls under its umbrella.

Questions like, what games would fit in the definition and what games could fit in the category. If you ask what hack and slash games are, we might end up with more questions than answers. © Photo by Dungeon Hunter from the Play Store This genre is also one of the oldest in the gaming world, dominating alongside board and strategy games. Any video game aficionado would say hack and slash games bring brazen gameplay that reminds of the primal style of classic video games.